Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Travel 3 - Versailles!

We visited Versailles today. I'm back at the hostel now, resting my feet. I was standing or, more often, walking for a total of 12 hours today. All on cobblestone. But my feet and how hot it is in this room are the only two things that I can complain about today.
The palace at Versailles was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, and the palace grounds are Gigantic and Beautiful. Everyone should see the display of the fountains there at some point in their life.
We got a tip from a local to go to one of the more secluded fountains when they turn on and it was just awesome.
I looked it up later. It is called "Bosquet of the Salle de Bal" and you can see a picture of it without the fountains running here.
The Palace at Versailles was one of the most ornate palaces and was used for many years by Louis the XIV and XV and XVI and where Marie Antoinette last lived before she was captured and beheaded during the revolution. A lot of very neat history there, too. Definitely worth a full day to see the Palace and the Gardens.

The first thing I tried to read in France when I got off the train from Germany was a tourist information desk sign. There were 100 person lines at all the desks for tickets and info so I went to the closed window to glean what I could without waiting. The English translation said "No Tourist Information at this window now. Thank you for your comprehension." Haha. The French word for "understanding" is compréhension. I have actually learned quite a bit of French while in France. 3 years of Latin, 2 years of Spanish, 9 months of German, and 21 years of English help a lot :-)
But I think I like reading poor translations much more than correct ones. 'Not a Passageway' was what the French said. The English translation: "No Way"

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